
Alumni talk on "Masters vs Jobs: Which should choose"

School of Legal Studies


REVA University


Brief about the activities held The resource person was graciously introduced to 4th year BA and BBALLB students by Prof. Kallicharan sir that Yuktha Manjunath is a promising recent graduate from REVA University and an enrolled advocate with the Karnataka State Bar Council. She maintained exceptional academic performance throughout her studies at REVA and has gained admission to several prestigious universities in the UK and Netherlands for pursuing an LLM degree.

Resource person had interactive session with students. Guided students as to how to choose between options of doing masters and job. What job options are available and how to choose amongst the available job options. The talk was followed up with question-and-answer session.

Outcome of the event In the feed back students expressed their gratitude that the session was really helpful and eased out much of their difficulties in making decision as to how to choose job and masters how to get references and scholarships etc. The talk gave direction to the planning.
